CyclingInsideOut: A New Journey

Hello, and welcome to This blog will journal my cycling adventures as I attempt to evolve from an “athletic beginner” into a more advanced rider. I’m relatively new to the whole cycling experience, dabbling here and there, but not getting serious about riding until last year. I’m now riding regularly, participating in group rides, and trying my desperately to improve my abilities enough to keep up with the intermediate riders. It seems that I have a long way to go, but I’m enjoying the experience and beginning to see results.

I’ll chronicle my journey as I participate in charity rides, group bike tours, and training rides. I’ll also share tips that I learn along the way, and point out things from a unique perspective, that of a female rider struggling to keep up with the guys. Stay tuned for product reviews, helpful tools, and insights on where to find the best cycling gear and jerseys. Most of all, join me on my new adventure, share your hints, and let’s learn together.

“Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” ~John F. Kennedy

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